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On the Way to Fight the Epidemic, We Walk Together |Record of the Anti Epidemic Campaign of the St. John's Party Branch
Jan 01,1970

In the early spring of March, the COVID-19 suddenly broke out in Jiaxing Port Area. The normal production and living order in the past was forced to press the pause button, and the whole people were duty bound to fight against the "epidemic"!


Establish a vanguard team as soon as possible

Chen Shuyong, Secretary and Chairman of the Party Branch of Zhejiang Handesang Intelligent Remanufacturing Technology Co., Ltd., took responsibility and actively responded to the government's call. The Party Branch immediately formed a "vanguard", and party members and the masses signed up. They, along with numerous volunteers in the port area, dressed in "armor" and rushed to the front line to face difficulties and fight against the "epidemic", rallying the shining youth into great love, and contributing Handesang's strength to the epidemic prevention and control in the port area.

(Volunteer Initiative)


01 community service

Prior to the volunteer initiative, many partners had voluntarily participated in community volunteer services, guiding nucleic acid testing, maintaining order, and distributing materials. There were figures of Hande Saint in various places.

02 Volunteer Service in Chemical Industry Park

Under the leadership of the Epidemic Prevention and Control Group of the Organization Department of Jiaxing Port Area, Han Desheng volunteers, under the organization of the Party branch, adhere to the principle of serving wherever needed, and follow the guidance of the higher-level Organization Department, fully devote themselves to the epidemic prevention and control work at the nucleic acid testing points in the chemical park. Scanning code to detect and unblock order, although doing this work for the first time, they are very meticulous and patient. Keep a distance of one meter "," Too close "," The health code is yellow, please wait by the side "," The health code has been taking too long, you need to exit again before entering " Such words will be repeated hundreds of times during each nucleic acid testing period.

Close custody

When it was learned that the South Street close contact personnel were in short supply of volunteer caregivers, the party members of Henderson responded positively. We sign up!”

03 Preparation for resumption of work and production

There is light at the end of the tunnel. On March 22nd, the emergency response level for epidemic prevention and control in the port area was adjusted from Level I response to Level II response. After obtaining approval from relevant departments in the port area to resume work and production, most employees of Henderson also returned to their long-lost work positions. However, epidemic prevention and control should continue. Wearing masks, environmental disinfection and sterilization, temperature measurement, code reading, and registration forms throughout the process should not be left behind. Safety should be the top priority.

04 Pioneer deeds

Chen Shu
Anti epidemic vanguard captain
Implement the policy of resuming work and production, and prevent and control small doors from being careless. As the secretary of the party branch and the person in charge of the enterprise, Chen Shu actively responds to the government's call. During the epidemic, he actively encourages party members and the masses of Han Desheng to sign up for volunteers, contributing to the prevention and control of the epidemic in the port area and taking the lead in participating in volunteer services. During the resumption of work and production, in addition to implementing the relevant information requirements of the government for resumption of work and production, the administrative department is also required to collect employee turnover information for the past 14 days, repeatedly confirm whether epidemic prevention materials are in place, and whether duty personnel are in place to ensure the safety of resumption of work and production, and ensure that there is no mistake.


On the day of resumption of work, he personally went to the office and factory to carry out environmental disinfection and sterilization and check various epidemic prevention preparations. He always reminds the company's duty personnel: "Be sure to guard the small gate, check every epidemic prevention requirement, and do a good job of registration. If there is any situation, report it immediately!" When he sees that there are insufficient epidemic prevention duty personnel in the Binhai Entrepreneurship Park, he immediately organizes the party branch to arrange volunteers to go to the gate to assist the park in epidemic prevention inspection. He always thinks of problems ahead and quickly implements actions!


Wu Jingjing
Excellent vanguard of anti epidemic measures
She is the mother of "Er Bao" who gave up her baby during this critical period
Comrade Wu Jingjing is a young party member of the Han De Sheng Party branch. During the epidemic prevention and control period in the port area, her lover and father-in-law were both on the front line of the epidemic. The two children could only be taken care of by their mother-in-law alone in the urban area of Jiaxing. The eldest child had to be picked up and dropped off every day when he went to primary school, and the second child was only 2 years old. She only cared about her children and studied through videos every day. Er Bao has never left her mother. When she heard her grandmother say that Er Bao woke up from a nap and cried to her mother, her eyes became moist when the child asked her when she would come back. But she said, "Party members should take the lead at critical moments." On March 14th, the epidemic prevention and control war in Jiaxing Port Area suddenly broke out, and she did not realize that the port area was about to face a difficult battle of prevention and control. On the 14th, as usual, she commuted from her home in Jiaxing city to work in the port area. Unexpectedly, as soon as she arrived at the company, she received a notice from the port government requesting all non continuous production enterprises to work from home. After settling in with all her colleagues in the company and returning home smoothly, she found that she couldn't go back to the downtown area of Jiaxing. As a party member during the outbreak of the epidemic, she immediately formed the "Han De Sheng Pioneer Team" under the guidance of Secretary Chen Shu. She proactively contacted the organization department and the enterprise party committee, contacted volunteers as needed to allocate volunteers, and went wherever needed. During her stay at home, she not only assists in arranging and participating in volunteers, but also conducts daily employee turnover work to quickly grasp the situation of the building where the employee is located in the community.After 10 days of hard work, she completed 7 full staff nucleic acid tests in the port area and started busy preparing materials for the company's resumption of work and production. On the evening of the 24th, she was finally able to see two children. At the moment she opened the door, when she saw the child's surprise mixed with unfamiliar expressions, her heart was sour. But she said, "Compared to millions of medical staff, the work I do is insignificant"

On the 27th, when she learned that on-site support was needed for the last large-scale nucleic acid test in the port area, she immediately registered and arrived at the on-site nucleic acid testing point from the city center before 5:30 am.


Zhang Qinghua
Pioneers in the fight against the epidemic
The current round of the epidemic is raging, and the war "epidemic" suddenly starts. Comrade Zhang Qinghua, a native of Northeast China, a frontline veteran employee from the Han Desheng workshop, is charging ahead and always ready when needed in the port area. At the beginning of the epidemic, Zhang Qinghua's community was understaffed. He took the initiative to sign up as a volunteer and guided everyone to queue up for full staff nucleic acid testing. He always reminded everyone to maintain a safe distance and conduct orderly sampling; The epidemic prevention materials in the community arrived, and Zhang Qinghua immediately came forward to help unload the vehicle, notifying all homeowners to collect the materials and guiding the order on site. He said, "People, do a good job of serving them, bring them closer, and make them feel warm and not afraid." He was so grounded, and community service often heard his unique and loud voice from the northerners, "Come on, big guy, line up, don't worry, come one by one, you have everything." One day when the volunteer came down, Zhang Qinghua's waist was too tired to straighten up, and his arms were also slightly sore from carrying epidemic prevention materials. When the Han De Sheng Party branch organized the recruitment of volunteers for large-scale nucleic acid testing in the chemical park, as an ordinary citizen, he immediately responded with "I sign up!". At 4am, Zhang Qinghua pressed the alarm clock and got up to go to the gathering place. In the days of large-scale nucleic acid testing in the port area, it was late spring cold and the temperature suddenly dropped. He set a good example for the young people of Henderson as a big brother. In the wind and rain, he fought alongside the "big white people" at the testing points in the chemical park, exerting the maximum energy of an ordinary person with a small force. When asked if he was tired and needed a rest, he said, "This fatigue is nothing. I am a new citizen of Pinghu, and I need to do my bit "

Pioneer spirit never dies
PIONEER is a member of the Pioneer Volunteer Team for Epidemic Prevention and Control, striving to be a pioneer and model, taking the initiative, leading the response, bravely assuming responsibility, and practicing social responsibility and responsibility with practical actions, injecting the strength of Hande Saint into epidemic prevention and control. During the epidemic prevention and control period, the Henderson Saint Pioneers participated in a total of more than 20 people and participated in more than 40 volunteer activities. Pioneers do not necessarily need to stand in front of everyone and contribute to epidemic prevention and control within their capabilities. Everyone is a pioneer. The Henderson Saint Vanguard has not been disbanded, nor will they be disbanded. It has always been there and will gather in times of need, rain or shine.
